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Mystery of the White Lions
This body of art was created for the conservation of white lions of the Timbavati.
These artworks portrays the book by Linda Tucker "Mystery of the white lions".
One of the artworks was also used on the cover of the David Chabeaux single - Children of the sun
01 Children of the SunDavid Chabeaux
00:00 / 03:39

Light Within
Zep Tepi, means first time. By association it comes to mean “The Ancestors”
Those who came first. Tepi-Aui refers to the ancestral deities who prompted civilization in the Golden Age. The hieroglyphic sign denoting the Tepi-aui is the front half of a lion ~ which indicates that the first ancestors were leonine.
Xerefu and Akeru means the lions of yesterday and the lions of today respectively. The White Lions are angelic beings. There was a time during the Golden Age of Zep Tepi when they first came to earth from the heavens, and there is a reason why they’ve returned to earth again in our time. The “gold” of spiritual value, human kind should find, is the revelatory moment of “enlightenment” in the evolution of the human species.
I used the Winged Lion on St Mark’s square as a symbol of humankind’s soul being, of pure light and love. The nautilus shells represents the perfect principles of courage, faith and love. This image portrays that we can become intensely powerful and effective once we start believing in the light within us, and allow this inner light to guide us towards the future. The White Lions are here on earth as a beacon to guide us to reclaim that light within us.
Those who came first. Tepi-Aui refers to the ancestral deities who prompted civilization in the Golden Age. The hieroglyphic sign denoting the Tepi-aui is the front half of a lion ~ which indicates that the first ancestors were leonine.
Xerefu and Akeru means the lions of yesterday and the lions of today respectively. The White Lions are angelic beings. There was a time during the Golden Age of Zep Tepi when they first came to earth from the heavens, and there is a reason why they’ve returned to earth again in our time. The “gold” of spiritual value, human kind should find, is the revelatory moment of “enlightenment” in the evolution of the human species.
I used the Winged Lion on St Mark’s square as a symbol of humankind’s soul being, of pure light and love. The nautilus shells represents the perfect principles of courage, faith and love. This image portrays that we can become intensely powerful and effective once we start believing in the light within us, and allow this inner light to guide us towards the future. The White Lions are here on earth as a beacon to guide us to reclaim that light within us.

Hunter to Hunted
Could it be that the Sabertooth was our Beast? The Arch-Enemy who stalked us, stealthily and cunningly, wherever we went? But whom, in the end, we got the better of?
Could it be that the Sabertooth was our Beast? The Arch-Enemy who stalked us, stealthily and cunningly, wherever we went? But whom, in the end, we got the better of? without defenses but their own brute strength; without fire; without warmth but their own huddled bodies; night-blind, yet forced to share their quarters with a glitter-eyed cat, who, now and then, would have prowled out to grab a straggler” Bruce Chatwin
It seems, in an older period of prehistory, there was a time when cats controlled the caves, dragging their australopithecine victims into the dark recesses. In a more recent period, new men not only had evicted the predators, but had taken up residence in the very chamber where their ancestors had been eaten. Dr CK Brain
The fascinating fable of Credo Mutwa in Isilwane, The Animal, of how a starving shivering Kintu the caveman, becomes Kintu, the lion-man, after killing a lion and eating the meat, and sharing it with Mamaravi. The evolutionary transformation from prey to predator could be through eating meat, developing technology. Mastering fire and development of crude weaponry topped the balance of power in man’s favor.
According to Credo Mutwa, it was an exchange of souls. A gift that lions gave to man at that time. A sacred contract, when we, instead of the lions, became the king of beasts. We became lionhearted. Men broke this sacred contract with the lions
Could it be that the Sabertooth was our Beast? The Arch-Enemy who stalked us, stealthily and cunningly, wherever we went? But whom, in the end, we got the better of? without defenses but their own brute strength; without fire; without warmth but their own huddled bodies; night-blind, yet forced to share their quarters with a glitter-eyed cat, who, now and then, would have prowled out to grab a straggler” Bruce Chatwin
It seems, in an older period of prehistory, there was a time when cats controlled the caves, dragging their australopithecine victims into the dark recesses. In a more recent period, new men not only had evicted the predators, but had taken up residence in the very chamber where their ancestors had been eaten. Dr CK Brain
The fascinating fable of Credo Mutwa in Isilwane, The Animal, of how a starving shivering Kintu the caveman, becomes Kintu, the lion-man, after killing a lion and eating the meat, and sharing it with Mamaravi. The evolutionary transformation from prey to predator could be through eating meat, developing technology. Mastering fire and development of crude weaponry topped the balance of power in man’s favor.
According to Credo Mutwa, it was an exchange of souls. A gift that lions gave to man at that time. A sacred contract, when we, instead of the lions, became the king of beasts. We became lionhearted. Men broke this sacred contract with the lions

Sun Gods & Star Beasts
I found myself focused on the statue of Sekhmet, marveling at the amazing connection that this Egypt trip was revealing. Still musing, I was suddenly startled to see the statue in front of me take on a new light. Half the lion goddesses’ face, I noticed was shrouded in a dark shadow and the other half, under a direct beam of sunlight that came from a shaft in the ceiling, was snow white…
Before leaving the Gaza plateau I took a long lingering look at the world’s greatest lion enigma. The Sphinx has an intention.. It is not at ease. It is in a cat’s guarding position. The Sphinx is, and has always been humankind’s guardian; ever alert, guarding the life-giving sun’s birthplace on the eastern horizon. A guardian of sacred knowledge. Does sun gods and star beasts have a basis in earthly reality?
In this image I used the photo of the wooden cat statuette at Tsau! to illustrate Linda’s experience with Sekhmet as the light echoed Credo Mutwa’s words to Linda. "do not forget that you have been given two faces, a black and a white face
Before leaving the Gaza plateau I took a long lingering look at the world’s greatest lion enigma. The Sphinx has an intention.. It is not at ease. It is in a cat’s guarding position. The Sphinx is, and has always been humankind’s guardian; ever alert, guarding the life-giving sun’s birthplace on the eastern horizon. A guardian of sacred knowledge. Does sun gods and star beasts have a basis in earthly reality?
In this image I used the photo of the wooden cat statuette at Tsau! to illustrate Linda’s experience with Sekhmet as the light echoed Credo Mutwa’s words to Linda. "do not forget that you have been given two faces, a black and a white face

“Let them walk tall in the wilderness which is their mother. Leave the lions of Timbavati alone. Do not destroy the sacred lions of the gods of Africa” Credo Mutwa
Maria, the Lion Queen of the Timbavati, explained to Linda “If you harm the White Lions, you harm the land” .She talked about a river that never runs dry. A river of stars, the Milky Way. Where the White Lions came from. “Do not let Maria die alone” Credo Mutwa said, and with this image we acknowledge her wisdom and her courage and her faith. She is “the Mother” . I used a vulture in this image as some tribes believe that the vulture was the original great earth mother. The Egyptians symbolic meaning of the vulture is that of a notoriously good mother, the vulture personifies the process of birth and the maternal instinct, and is associated with Isis. The Greeks believed the vulture is an essential part of the cycle of life and death and symbolic of the Great Mother. It was accorded the magical powers of a sorcerer. Native Americans hold the vulture in high esteem, and the feather of the bird enabled the Sharman to “come back to the self” The bird is a symbol of purification and renewal. The fifth Dalai Lama was believed to shape shift into the form of a White Vulture. To Buddhists the vulture is synonymous with the revelation of truth. The illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Adele Nozedar.
Linda wrote about Sekhmet, Lion Lady of the Firs Time, There is nothing meek and mild about this Lion goddess, and she thought of her in the same spirit as she thought of Maria, Timbavati’s Lion Queen. “Above all, I associate Sekhmet with Amarava. Credo Mutwa’s spirit guide, “The mother of the first people on earth, and she will be the mother of the last” “
Maria, the Lion Queen of the Timbavati, explained to Linda “If you harm the White Lions, you harm the land” .She talked about a river that never runs dry. A river of stars, the Milky Way. Where the White Lions came from. “Do not let Maria die alone” Credo Mutwa said, and with this image we acknowledge her wisdom and her courage and her faith. She is “the Mother” . I used a vulture in this image as some tribes believe that the vulture was the original great earth mother. The Egyptians symbolic meaning of the vulture is that of a notoriously good mother, the vulture personifies the process of birth and the maternal instinct, and is associated with Isis. The Greeks believed the vulture is an essential part of the cycle of life and death and symbolic of the Great Mother. It was accorded the magical powers of a sorcerer. Native Americans hold the vulture in high esteem, and the feather of the bird enabled the Sharman to “come back to the self” The bird is a symbol of purification and renewal. The fifth Dalai Lama was believed to shape shift into the form of a White Vulture. To Buddhists the vulture is synonymous with the revelation of truth. The illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Adele Nozedar.
Linda wrote about Sekhmet, Lion Lady of the Firs Time, There is nothing meek and mild about this Lion goddess, and she thought of her in the same spirit as she thought of Maria, Timbavati’s Lion Queen. “Above all, I associate Sekhmet with Amarava. Credo Mutwa’s spirit guide, “The mother of the first people on earth, and she will be the mother of the last” “

Ancient Vision
“Our African forefathers gave us the wisdom of the oneness of the human being in which the animal and the deity co-exist.” Credo Mutwa.
African indigenous knowledge points to the existence of the White Lion since the earliest times. The Shamans believe that if the sacred White Lion became extinct mankind would lose their ancient knowledge and this would threaten the sensitive balance and order that exists amongst all living things.
I used the image of the Nilotic Meridian to illustrate the connection between Giza in Egypt and Timbavati home of the White Lion.
In ancient folklore it is believed that birds are souls of human beings who reach a higher state of perfection, and more specifically the Yellow-billed Hornbill is the symbol of faith.
The prominent Blue Eye represents ancient vision and ancient knowledge.
African indigenous knowledge points to the existence of the White Lion since the earliest times. The Shamans believe that if the sacred White Lion became extinct mankind would lose their ancient knowledge and this would threaten the sensitive balance and order that exists amongst all living things.
I used the image of the Nilotic Meridian to illustrate the connection between Giza in Egypt and Timbavati home of the White Lion.
In ancient folklore it is believed that birds are souls of human beings who reach a higher state of perfection, and more specifically the Yellow-billed Hornbill is the symbol of faith.
The prominent Blue Eye represents ancient vision and ancient knowledge.

Beloved One
“Keeper of the White Lions, one who carries the flame of light.” Maria Khoza’s reference to Linda Tucker.
Maria Khoza was a medicine woman and Linda’s teacher. Maria passed the mantle of protector of the White Lion to Linda who then saved Marah and her cubs after their birth in Bethlehem. She placed them in the Global White Lion Protection Trust’s sanctuary in the greater Timbavati and has worked tirelessly in her cause.
Maria Khoza was a medicine woman and Linda’s teacher. Maria passed the mantle of protector of the White Lion to Linda who then saved Marah and her cubs after their birth in Bethlehem. She placed them in the Global White Lion Protection Trust’s sanctuary in the greater Timbavati and has worked tirelessly in her cause.

A Shaman's Dream
“Ah! She has come. The One the African elders have been waiting for; Marah, Mother of Ra, the Sun God.” Credo Mutwa.
Maria Khosa, a Shangaan medicine woman, foretold the birth of a White Lion and that it would herald a time of change in human consciousness and in the relationship between mankind and our environment. Linda Tucker saved a White Lion cub that was born on Christmas Day in Bethlehem South Africa in the year 2000 and placed her in the White Lion sanctuary in the greater Timbavati.
The Shaman in this image represents Maria. I used an image of young Shaman initiates inside a moon to represent how ancient knowledge is passed on to the next generation. The broken pattern represents the Klaserie river that runs through the White Lion heartlands. This also represents Maria’s safe passage through the Timbavati lions when she rescued Linda Tucker and her group of friends and began Linda’s journey to save the White Lion from extinction. See Linda’s book “Mystery of the White Lion – Children of the Son God”.
Maria Khosa, a Shangaan medicine woman, foretold the birth of a White Lion and that it would herald a time of change in human consciousness and in the relationship between mankind and our environment. Linda Tucker saved a White Lion cub that was born on Christmas Day in Bethlehem South Africa in the year 2000 and placed her in the White Lion sanctuary in the greater Timbavati.
The Shaman in this image represents Maria. I used an image of young Shaman initiates inside a moon to represent how ancient knowledge is passed on to the next generation. The broken pattern represents the Klaserie river that runs through the White Lion heartlands. This also represents Maria’s safe passage through the Timbavati lions when she rescued Linda Tucker and her group of friends and began Linda’s journey to save the White Lion from extinction. See Linda’s book “Mystery of the White Lion – Children of the Son God”.

Canned Rage
“What kind of man would breed her kind for the gun?
What kind of man would separate a mother from her young?
And what kind of man would shoot her dead in front of those young eyes?
She died, dying to be free……” Gareth Patterson
Canned hunting is the unethical practice of breeding and hand rearing lions in cages until they are old enough to be sold and shot by a trophy hunter. Hunters are prepared to pay huge sums to shoot a White Lion due to their rarity and beauty and those that carry the White Lion gene are interbred in order to produce White Lion cubs for canned hunting purposes. Canned hunting is still legal in South Africa and no laws currently exist to protect the sacred White Lion.
I photographed various lions in captivity. Their facial expressions still haunt me. I could clearly see and feel their distress, sadness, frustration, anger and depression. Two of them sat together as if praying that their sacrifice may bring about the end to this brutal practice. The Hammerkop bird according to traditional folklore represents vanity and human futility. The cages running like raw scars across the work and the lions that they hold captive.
I pray for an end to this despicable practice.
What kind of man would separate a mother from her young?
And what kind of man would shoot her dead in front of those young eyes?
She died, dying to be free……” Gareth Patterson
Canned hunting is the unethical practice of breeding and hand rearing lions in cages until they are old enough to be sold and shot by a trophy hunter. Hunters are prepared to pay huge sums to shoot a White Lion due to their rarity and beauty and those that carry the White Lion gene are interbred in order to produce White Lion cubs for canned hunting purposes. Canned hunting is still legal in South Africa and no laws currently exist to protect the sacred White Lion.
I photographed various lions in captivity. Their facial expressions still haunt me. I could clearly see and feel their distress, sadness, frustration, anger and depression. Two of them sat together as if praying that their sacrifice may bring about the end to this brutal practice. The Hammerkop bird according to traditional folklore represents vanity and human futility. The cages running like raw scars across the work and the lions that they hold captive.
I pray for an end to this despicable practice.

Don't Harm the Land
Maria, the Lion Queen of the Timbavati explained to Linda, “If you harm the White Lions, you harm the land”.
This image is about a broken Africa, where we need a renewed cycle of life. All lions, including the sacred White Lion may be extinct in the near future. Maria Khoza warned that if you kill a White Lion, you kill the world. This relates to the fact that all living things are linked and inter dependent. Mankind cannot kill off the apex of the animal kingdom without grave consequences.
I used a vulture in this image as some tribes believe that the vulture was the original great Earth mother. The Egyptians believe that the vulture symbolizes a notoriously good mother. The vulture personifies the process of birth and maternal instinct. The illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Adele Nozedar.
Sekhmet was described as the mother of Maahes, the lion God.” Ancient Egypt online.
This image is about a broken Africa, where we need a renewed cycle of life. All lions, including the sacred White Lion may be extinct in the near future. Maria Khoza warned that if you kill a White Lion, you kill the world. This relates to the fact that all living things are linked and inter dependent. Mankind cannot kill off the apex of the animal kingdom without grave consequences.
I used a vulture in this image as some tribes believe that the vulture was the original great Earth mother. The Egyptians believe that the vulture symbolizes a notoriously good mother. The vulture personifies the process of birth and maternal instinct. The illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Adele Nozedar.
Sekhmet was described as the mother of Maahes, the lion God.” Ancient Egypt online.

The Future in our Hands
“They bring us wisdom” Maria Khoza
There were principals of nature conservation that were strictly adhered to in the Great African Tradition. There was a harmonious balance between the preying lions and all the animals of the animal kingdom. It was the duty of all tribes to ensure the lion’s protection and preservation. Isilwane, the Animal by Credo Mutwa
With this image I applaud the ground breaking initiative of Linda Tucker and the Global White Lion trust to implement this Great African Tradition in the rural schools in the areas around Tsau!. And the pride, sprit and confidence of the children at The Power Lion School. The future is indeed in our hands!
The Elders must teach our children to respect the environment in order for our planet to survive. We need to look back to indigenous knowledge in order to re establish the respect and balance that used to exist amongst all living things.
If we don’t heed the call of the White Lion and the Elder’s to reconsider our relationship with our environment many more wonderful animals will sadly be lost forever and these valuable natural resources can never be replaced.
There were principals of nature conservation that were strictly adhered to in the Great African Tradition. There was a harmonious balance between the preying lions and all the animals of the animal kingdom. It was the duty of all tribes to ensure the lion’s protection and preservation. Isilwane, the Animal by Credo Mutwa
With this image I applaud the ground breaking initiative of Linda Tucker and the Global White Lion trust to implement this Great African Tradition in the rural schools in the areas around Tsau!. And the pride, sprit and confidence of the children at The Power Lion School. The future is indeed in our hands!
The Elders must teach our children to respect the environment in order for our planet to survive. We need to look back to indigenous knowledge in order to re establish the respect and balance that used to exist amongst all living things.
If we don’t heed the call of the White Lion and the Elder’s to reconsider our relationship with our environment many more wonderful animals will sadly be lost forever and these valuable natural resources can never be replaced.

In the Beginning is my End
“White Lions as Ice Age animals in the Age of Leo” Linda Tucker
When man destroys the agents of light in his world, he freezes consciousness, through fear.
When consciousness becomes frozen mankind is at threat from an Ice Age. The message is that the sudden recurrence of the white gene represented a forerunner to the impending Ice age, and the forthcoming of the age of Leo.
This Ice Age can be a physical or spiritual one. If mankind is only focused on seeking material wealth at the cost of the destruction of our valuable natural resources and pays no attention to the White Light and the spiritual we face an Ice Age of another type. We move towards the dark, away from the light and all things good.
“Today we live in the most important times for human beings. We LIVE in a time of catastrophes and real miracles” Credo Mutwa
“These animals are said to herald coming changes on this earth” Credo Mutwa.

Where are your White Lion?
“And I asked the people of the Timbavati, where are your White Lion? I never received a straight answer.” Credo Mutwa.
White Lion are considered by African Shamans to be the most sacred and spiritual of all animals. And yet to date no laws exist to protect them.
Less than 500 White Lion are estimated to exist. They are only born wild in the Timbavati and hence High Sanusi Credo Mutwa’s question to the people of the Timbavati. However this question is for all mankind who have failed to protect these wonderful animals.
In my image I have used the shattered tree to symbolize the near extinction of the White Lion. The ghost image of the lion symbolizes that one day without our intervention the White Lion may only exist in the memories of the Ancient people. I have kept the landscape barren and stark as it has been said that the extinction of the White Lion, the apex of the animal kingdom would affect all living things. The tree is one that I photographed on the White Lion sanctuary property. Hundreds of nails had been driven into the tree and it was dying until Linda moved onto the property. Linda removed the nails and the tree has flourished. I have shown the tree in its torment, it too shouting to mankind to save the White Lion and to save our planet.
White Lion are considered by African Shamans to be the most sacred and spiritual of all animals. And yet to date no laws exist to protect them.
Less than 500 White Lion are estimated to exist. They are only born wild in the Timbavati and hence High Sanusi Credo Mutwa’s question to the people of the Timbavati. However this question is for all mankind who have failed to protect these wonderful animals.
In my image I have used the shattered tree to symbolize the near extinction of the White Lion. The ghost image of the lion symbolizes that one day without our intervention the White Lion may only exist in the memories of the Ancient people. I have kept the landscape barren and stark as it has been said that the extinction of the White Lion, the apex of the animal kingdom would affect all living things. The tree is one that I photographed on the White Lion sanctuary property. Hundreds of nails had been driven into the tree and it was dying until Linda moved onto the property. Linda removed the nails and the tree has flourished. I have shown the tree in its torment, it too shouting to mankind to save the White Lion and to save our planet.

Rara Avis
“Do not destroy the sacred lions of the Gods of Africa.” Credo Mutwa.
“Rara Avis” is something rare and unique, a wonder or a marvel as are the White Lion of the Timbavati who “appeared from nowhere and dissolved again without a trace”. Linda Tucker from “Mystery of the White Lions”.
I created this image as a plea to mankind to save the White Lions from extinction. An appeal to “those who do not care to those who have no ears. A plea to those who chose to do nothing in the face of monstrous evil. Leave the Lions of the Timbavati alone.” Credo Mutwa.
The work aims to portray a feeling of helplessness, depression and futility. I used the sculpture of Edith Breckwoldt called “Prufung” or the “Ordeal” to portray the despair that mankind will one day experience if we don’t stop destroying our most valuable assets.
The remains of the St Nicholas’ Church in Hamburg stands as a stark reminder of this human tendency to destruct.
I used the Ruff, the marathon athlete of migratory birds, in this image to portray the ability of birds to navigate air, land and sea. Birds are regarded as divine messengers with the ability to traverse worlds, time and realities. The Lion rock symbolizes that the Sacred Lion Spirit looks back upon humanity forgivingly and reawakens the desire to care and protect. The icy blue colors give the work a coldness that gradually changes into the warm glow on the lion rock showing that there is still hope.
“Rara Avis” is something rare and unique, a wonder or a marvel as are the White Lion of the Timbavati who “appeared from nowhere and dissolved again without a trace”. Linda Tucker from “Mystery of the White Lions”.
I created this image as a plea to mankind to save the White Lions from extinction. An appeal to “those who do not care to those who have no ears. A plea to those who chose to do nothing in the face of monstrous evil. Leave the Lions of the Timbavati alone.” Credo Mutwa.
The work aims to portray a feeling of helplessness, depression and futility. I used the sculpture of Edith Breckwoldt called “Prufung” or the “Ordeal” to portray the despair that mankind will one day experience if we don’t stop destroying our most valuable assets.
The remains of the St Nicholas’ Church in Hamburg stands as a stark reminder of this human tendency to destruct.
I used the Ruff, the marathon athlete of migratory birds, in this image to portray the ability of birds to navigate air, land and sea. Birds are regarded as divine messengers with the ability to traverse worlds, time and realities. The Lion rock symbolizes that the Sacred Lion Spirit looks back upon humanity forgivingly and reawakens the desire to care and protect. The icy blue colors give the work a coldness that gradually changes into the warm glow on the lion rock showing that there is still hope.

As Above so Below
“For the people of Africa the skies are full of life, yes, even the origin of life may be attributed to the stars!” Credo Mutwa.
Timbavati means "the river that never runs dry" Maria Khoza she said it is the river where the White Lions came from. The Milky Way is also referred to as a “river that never runs dry”.
The sacred geometry of this notion implies possible interaction between stellar influences and geological factors.
Timbavati means "the river that never runs dry" Maria Khoza she said it is the river where the White Lions came from. The Milky Way is also referred to as a “river that never runs dry”.
The sacred geometry of this notion implies possible interaction between stellar influences and geological factors.

We Walk the Sky
“I listened to the stars. I could hear the sound, the speech of the stars. The star sound Tsau, sounding Tsau! Tsau!” -/Xam Bushman song.
It is said that the White Lion will come from the stars and will return to the stars.
The stars are seen as the souls of all of the deceased White Lion looking down on mankind as witnesses to our lack of respect for our environment.
In Linda’s book she mentions the four lions that guard the corners of the earth; north, east, south and west. These lions are mirrored by four massive lion sculptures that guard each corner of Trafalgar Square in London.
In my artwork I used one of these sculptures, two male lions from Tsau and a stone sculpture that also stands on Trafalgar Square that represents fortitude to represent these four guardians.
It is sad to note that these lions still strive to protect mankind and our planet despite the atrocities committed against them. We choose them as symbols to protect us and yet don’t feel that we owe them the same in return.
I photographed the Milky Way and used it in this image as it is called the river of stars a heavenly river that never runs dry.
“Just as the lion Symbol guards the earth, so it guards the earth's axis. Ancient mythology show the earth held in balance by four leonine animal figures. As in Trafalgar Square.” Linda Tucker’s Mystery of the White Lion – Children of the Son God.
It is said that the White Lion will come from the stars and will return to the stars.
The stars are seen as the souls of all of the deceased White Lion looking down on mankind as witnesses to our lack of respect for our environment.
In Linda’s book she mentions the four lions that guard the corners of the earth; north, east, south and west. These lions are mirrored by four massive lion sculptures that guard each corner of Trafalgar Square in London.
In my artwork I used one of these sculptures, two male lions from Tsau and a stone sculpture that also stands on Trafalgar Square that represents fortitude to represent these four guardians.
It is sad to note that these lions still strive to protect mankind and our planet despite the atrocities committed against them. We choose them as symbols to protect us and yet don’t feel that we owe them the same in return.
I photographed the Milky Way and used it in this image as it is called the river of stars a heavenly river that never runs dry.
“Just as the lion Symbol guards the earth, so it guards the earth's axis. Ancient mythology show the earth held in balance by four leonine animal figures. As in Trafalgar Square.” Linda Tucker’s Mystery of the White Lion – Children of the Son God.

The Son of the Sun
“Do not mourn me Beloved One. You have work to do, Worker of Light. I am forever with you.” Ingwavuma said to Linda Tucker in a dream……
Ingwavuma was a lion known as the Son of the Sun. He who speaks wise words was shot execution style. He died in the late afternoon as the sun set over Timbavati, on the 22nd of August 2000. On the last day of the month of Leo at the turn of the millennium. The shot was fired shortly before six. The timing was profoundly poignant. “Linda Tucker’s Mystery of the White Lion – Children of the Son God”.
Ingwavuma began to appear in Linda’s dreams as her spirit guide.
The winged lion of heraldry is the mythical animal that guards sacred knowledge.
The lion I used in this image was critically injured while hunting, wild in nature, and died shortly after he stretched and looked into the setting sun.
To illustrate the reconciliation between the male and the female principals I use the anchor (male) balanced by the (female) my daughter Monique, born on the same day as Credo Mutwa.

The First Nation
“The Shaman’s believe that no prey is killed by chance, but rather, at a soul level, offers itself up for the taking.” Credo Mutwa.
The First Nation has always striven to retain the balance between all things and to respect nature and their environment. They believe that life is sacred and animals are only to be killed by necessity.
I used the hand prints on the cave wall in a way that we can imagine a person from the First Nation standing at the fire warming his hands.
Fire is an important symbol as mankind’s discovery of fire and tools resulted in his taking the place of the lion as the apex hunter and the balance between mankind and the animal kingdom was disturbed.
However African folklore tells of lion prides allowing hungry tribes people to share the meat from their hunt without harm. Once again pointing towards an existing relationship between mankind and the king of the animals.
The First Nation has always striven to retain the balance between all things and to respect nature and their environment. They believe that life is sacred and animals are only to be killed by necessity.
I used the hand prints on the cave wall in a way that we can imagine a person from the First Nation standing at the fire warming his hands.
Fire is an important symbol as mankind’s discovery of fire and tools resulted in his taking the place of the lion as the apex hunter and the balance between mankind and the animal kingdom was disturbed.
However African folklore tells of lion prides allowing hungry tribes people to share the meat from their hunt without harm. Once again pointing towards an existing relationship between mankind and the king of the animals.
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